MYO Park began renovations in July 2020 and was finished in April 2021. The project includes:

  • new concrete floors being added to the existing pavilions
  • the construction of a new pavilion and a scenic overlook stone seat wall
  • the construction of a walking loop throughout the park
  • the replacement of existing playground equipment with new playground equipment
  • other park upgrades and restoration of the lawn


Funding for the MYO Park Renovations came from the following sources.

  • Millersburg Borough
  • Mid Penn Bank … Millersburg Canal House Smokestack Sponsor
  • Pennsylvania DCNR
  • Dauphin County Local Share Municipal Gaming Grants
  • The Lorena Feidt Lemons Estate… Playground Sponsor
  • The Millersburg Bicentennial Legacy Fund
  • Harold N. & Thelma G. Lenker Millersburg Community Trust